
How important is an entrance theme song to a character?

The WWE deserves props for, as far as I know, being the most prolific pro-wrestling company in regard to composing their own music. A performer is identified partly by that music, and if they jump to a different company they usually have to leave their catchy music behind.

I like things to be original, which is why I hate Kurt Angle's TNA theme. Lunatic Fringe by Red Rider is one of my favorite songs, and Kurt's theme is a weird remix of it. An American Hero gimmick is serenaded to the ring by a song about the dangers of a resurgence of anti-Semitism.

I think that Daniel Bryan's current theme was originally a punishment for ripping on his Rage theme as "Generic rock music" that he couldn't identify. So they gave him Wagner's (pronounced Vogner, I hate when people mispronounce that) Ride of the Valkyries. It's evolved into an endearing theme, which I think symbolizes how he's a smaller guy with the heart of a lion. An interesting note is that, like Randy Savage's Pomp and Circumstance, Ride of the Valkyries is public domain. Daniel Bryan could take that theme anywhere. I'm not sure about the specifics of the WWE's rights to their rock remix of it, either way you don't see too many performers successfully market a song from 1876 as a rousing theme song.

I would change Dolph Ziggler's theme. I'm not sure how it's supposed to convey mood, a little too much incoherent screaming in that one.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-05-14