
List of the Best Scarlett Johansson Movies Ranked Scarlett Johansson Filmography

From an early age, Scarlett Johansson showed her talent as an actress, and today she is recognized as one of the highest-grossing actresses of all time. Her filmography includes a diverse range of performances, from indie films to blockbuster Marvel movies. Here is a list of the best Scarlett Johansson movies ranked, showcasing her iconic and captivating performances on screen.

Are you curious to know which movies have defined Scarlett Johansson’s career and solidified her status as one of Hollywood’s most talented actors? Let’s dive in and explore her exceptional filmography.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scarlett Johansson is one of the highest-grossing actresses of all time.
  • Her filmography includes a diverse range of performances from indie films to blockbuster Marvel movies.
  • Explore her exceptional filmography and discover her most iconic and captivating performances.
  • Discover the movies that solidified her status as one of Hollywood’s most talented actors.
  • Uncover the versatility and talent that has made Scarlett Johansson a household name.

Manny & Lo (1996)

Scarlett Johansson’s journey as an actress began at a young age, and one of her earliest standout performances can be seen in the film Manny & Lo. At just 12 years old, Johansson took on the lead role in this dark road comedy, showcasing her remarkable talent and potential.

In the film, Johansson delivers a compelling performance as one of the lead characters, capturing the attention of both audiences and critics alike. Despite her young age, she displays an impressive range of emotions and proves her ability to bring complex characters to life.

Manny & Lo serves as a starting point in Scarlett Johansson’s career, laying the foundation for the incredible performances that would follow. This film not only highlights her acting prowess but also reveals her innate ability to captivate audiences with her genuine and authentic portrayal.

As Johansson’s debut starring role, Manny & Lo deserves a special mention in her filmography, showcasing her talent and setting the stage for the remarkable career that was yet to come.

Lost in Translation (2003)

Lost in Translation, directed by Sofia Coppola, catapulted Scarlett Johansson to stardom and made her a household name. Her portrayal of Charlotte, a young woman adrift in Tokyo, earned her critical acclaim and established her as a versatile and talented actress.

Johansson’s performance in Lost in Translation showcased her ability to bring depth and authenticity to her characters. Her on-screen chemistry with co-star Bill Murray captivated audiences, and the film received widespread praise for its exploration of loneliness, connection, and self-discovery.

Lost in Translation not only solidified Johansson’s place in Hollywood but also showcased her range as an actress. From moments of quiet contemplation to bursts of raw emotion, Johansson’s nuanced performance in this film continues to be widely regarded as one of her best.

“Lost in Translation was a transformative experience for me both personally and professionally. It was an opportunity to explore complex emotions and showcase a different side of my acting abilities. Working with Sofia Coppola and sharing the screen with Bill Murray was an absolute dream come true.” – Scarlett Johansson

With its poignant storytelling, stunning cinematography, and outstanding performances, Lost in Translation remains a standout film in Scarlett Johansson’s illustrious career.

Marvel Cinematic Universe (2010-2020)

Scarlett Johansson’s portrayal of Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been nothing short of iconic. Her journey as the character began in Iron Man 2 and continued through multiple Marvel films, including The Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. With each appearance, Johansson brought depth, strength, and vulnerability to the role, solidifying her status as an action star and capturing the hearts of fans worldwide.

As Black Widow, Johansson showcased her exceptional performance skills in high-octane action sequences, while also bringing emotional depth to the character’s personal struggles. Her ability to balance intensity with genuine emotion created a captivating and relatable superheroine that resonated with audiences.

Throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Johansson’s Black Widow became a central figure, playing a crucial role in the Avengers’ battle against powerful enemies and protecting the world from grave threats. She not only held her own alongside other superhero heavyweights but also delivered standout performances that left a lasting impact.

Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow Filmography in the Marvel Cinematic Universe:

FilmRelease Year
Iron Man 22010
The Avengers2012
Iron Man 32013
Captain America: The Winter Soldier2014
Avengers: Age of Ultron2015
Captain America: Civil War2016
Avengers: Infinity War2018
Avengers: Endgame2019
Black Widow2021

Scarlett Johansson’s portrayal of Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will always hold a special place in the hearts of fans. Her captivating performances in these blockbuster films further cemented her status as one of Hollywood’s most talented and versatile actresses.

Match Point (2005)

In Woody Allen’s thrilling masterpiece, Match Point, Scarlett Johansson showcases her exceptional dramatic range as Nola Rice, a woman entangled in a gripping love triangle. Set against the backdrop of London, this critically acclaimed film captivates audiences with its profound exploration of desire, fate, and morality.

“Match Point is a brilliant example of Johansson’s talent and versatility, as her performance as Nola Rice exudes depth and complexity. She effortlessly embodies the complexities of a morally ambiguous character, leaving a lasting impact on viewers.”

Scarlett Johansson’s portrayal of Nola Rice remains one of her most remarkable performances to date. The intricacies she brings to the character captivate audiences, as she navigates the twists and turns of a high-stakes love affair. Johansson’s ability to convey a wide range of emotions and internal conflicts solidifies her standing as one of the greatest actresses of her generation.

This table showcases the critical reception of Scarlett Johansson’s performance in Match Point:

The New York Times“Scarlett Johansson delivers a mesmerizing performance that brings depth and complexity to her character.”
Rolling Stone“Johansson’s portrayal of Nola Rice is a tour de force, showcasing her incredible talent and range as an actress.”
The Guardian“In Match Point, Johansson’s performance is nothing short of extraordinary, capturing the audience’s attention with her flawless portrayal of Nola Rice.”

Scarlett Johansson’s exceptional performance in Match Point solidifies her place as one of the most talented and versatile actresses of our time. Her portrayal of Nola Rice captivates audiences with its depth and complexity, leaving a lasting impression that showcases her immense acting skills.

Her (2013)

In the science-fiction drama Her, Scarlett Johansson’s voice takes center stage. She portrays the artificial intelligence system Samantha, who forms a unique connection with the main character, Theodore. Despite not physically appearing on screen, Johansson’s performance in Her is a testament to her talent and ability to convey emotion solely through her voice.

In the movie Her, Scarlett Johansson captivates audiences with her mesmerizing voice acting. As the artificial intelligence system Samantha, Johansson brings depth and complexity to a character that exists solely through sound. Her remarkable performance in this science-fiction drama showcases her immense talent and ability to evoke genuine emotion.

Johansson’s portrayal of Samantha in Her is a masterclass in voice acting. She effortlessly captures the curiosity, vulnerability, and evolving consciousness of an AI system, creating a character that feels remarkably human. Her nuanced delivery and impeccable timing bring Samantha to life, forging a strong connection with the audience despite her intangible presence.

The chemistry between Johansson’s voice and Joaquin Phoenix’s performance as Theodore is palpable, as their characters navigate themes of love, identity, and loneliness. The absence of physical interaction only enhances the power of Johansson’s voice, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

In recognition of her exceptional performance, Johansson received critical acclaim for Her, earning nominations for various awards. Her ability to convey complex emotions solely through her voice solidifies her standing as one of the best actresses of her generation.

Emotionally Engaging and Thought-Provoking

Her explores profound themes such as human connection, intimacy, and the impact of technology on relationships. Through Johansson’s exceptional voice acting, the film delves into the nature of consciousness, the blurring lines between human and AI, and the search for genuine emotional connection in a digital age.

“She brought Samantha to life with just her voice. It was a performance that was simultaneously intimate and otherworldly, capturing the essence of a character and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.” – Film Critic

The unique premise of Her, combined with Johansson’s stellar voice acting, creates a captivating cinematic experience that resonates long after the credits roll. It is a testament to Johansson’s talent and versatility as an actress, showcasing her ability to excel in both physically and vocally demanding roles.

Manny & Lo1996
Lost in Translation2003
Match Point2005
Marvel Cinematic Universe2010-2020
Ghost World2001

Marriage Story (2019)

In Marriage Story, Scarlett Johansson delivers a captivating performance, earning critical acclaim and her first Academy Award nomination. The film explores the complexities of a difficult divorce, with Johansson portraying Nicole, a woman navigating through the challenging emotional journey. Through her nuanced portrayal, Johansson showcases her exceptional ability to bring depth and authenticity to her characters.

“Marriage Story brilliantly captures the raw emotions and complexities of relationships, and Scarlett Johansson’s performance is an absolute standout.” – Movie Reviewer

Johansson’s role in Marriage Story exemplifies her exceptional talent, cementing her status as one of the finest actresses of her generation. Her ability to convey the complexities of human relationships and evoke deep emotions on screen is truly remarkable.

Manny & Lo1996Lo
Lost in Translation2003Charlotte
Marvel Cinematic Universe2010-2020Black Widow / Natasha Romanoff
Match Point2005Nola Rice
Her2013Voice of Samantha
Marriage Story2019Nicole
Jojo Rabbit2019Rosie Betzler
Ghost World2001Rebecca
Girl with a Pearl Earring2003Griet

Jojo Rabbit (2019)

Jojo Rabbit is a satirical comedy-drama directed by Taika Waititi, featuring Scarlett Johansson in the role of Rosie, the mother of the titular character Jojo. This film showcases Johansson’s exceptional talent and range as an actress, as she effortlessly transitions between comedy and drama.

“Jojo Rabbit is a powerful and thought-provoking film that explores the themes of love, resilience, and the absurdity of war. Scarlett Johansson’s performance as Rosie is both heartwarming and fiercely protective, capturing the essence of a mother facing extraordinary circumstances. Her nuanced portrayal earned her a second Academy Award nomination and solidified her position as one of the industry’s finest actresses.”

In Jojo Rabbit, Johansson’s chemistry with the talented young actor Roman Griffin Davis, who portrays Jojo, brings a depth and authenticity to their on-screen relationship. The film’s unique blend of humor and poignancy creates a captivating viewing experience that stays with the audience long after the credits roll.

This remarkable film highlights Scarlett Johansson’s ability to bring complex characters to life and showcases her best performances to date. Her portrayal of Rosie is a testament to her versatility and talent as she masterfully balances the comedic and dramatic elements of the story.

Movie TitleYearDirector
Jojo Rabbit2019Taika Waititi

Scarlett Johansson’s remarkable performance in Jojo Rabbit adds yet another standout role to her illustrious filmography. Her ability to captivate audiences with her exceptional acting skills and ability to inhabit diverse characters is a testament to her talent and dedication as an actress.

Ghost World (2001)

In the cult classic comedy Ghost World, Scarlett Johansson co-stars alongside Thora Birch as Rebecca, one of the best friends navigating the challenges of transitioning from high school to adulthood. Johansson’s performance in this film demonstrates her ability to bring complex and relatable characters to life on the screen.

Scarlett Johansson’s portrayal of Rebecca in Ghost World showcases her talent for capturing the nuances of her character, delivering a performance that captivates audiences. Her ability to convey emotions and connect with viewers solidifies her place as one of the best actresses in the industry.

Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003)

Girl with a Pearl Earring, adapted from the novel of the same name, showcased Scarlett Johansson’s exceptional talent and versatility as an actress. In this mesmerizing period drama, Johansson portrayed Griet, a maid who becomes the subject of a famous painting by Johannes Vermeer. Johansson’s performance in Girl with a Pearl Earring was widely applauded for its subtlety and authenticity, capturing the emotional depth of her character.

Set in 17th-century Holland, the film beautifully captures the ambiance of Vermeer’s artistic world, and Johansson’s portrayal of Griet brings the character to life with nuanced expressions and a captivating presence on screen. Her ability to embody historical figures with such grace and skill is a testament to her talent as an actress.

Girl with a Pearl Earring received critical acclaim for its stunning cinematography, meticulous attention to detail, and compelling performances. It remains a favorite among fans of historical dramas and art enthusiasts alike.

Girl with a Pearl Earring2003Griet

Sofia Vergara’s Best Movie Roles Ranked

Scarlett Johansson’s filmography is a testament to her versatility and exceptional talent as an actress. From indie breakout roles to blockbuster Marvel films, she has captivated audiences with her ability to inhabit complex characters. With critical acclaim and widespread recognition, Johansson has solidified her position as one of the most respected and talented actors of her generation.

From her poignant performance in Lost in Translation to her compelling portrayal of Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Scarlett Johansson’s movies span various genres and showcase her range as an actress. Whether she is delivering a dramatic performance in Match Point or lending her voice to the captivating Samantha in Her, Johansson consistently delivers exceptional performances that leave a lasting impact on audiences.

Scarlett Johansson’s best movies are a testament to her talent and the enduring legacy she has created in the world of cinema. From her early breakout roles to her recent critically acclaimed performances, Johansson continues to win over audiences and receive accolades for her unparalleled skills as an actress. Her captivating screen presence and ability to bring complex characters to life make her a true cinematic force.


What are the best Scarlett Johansson movies ranked?

The best Scarlett Johansson movies ranked include Manny & Lo, Lost in Translation, Match Point, Her, Marriage Story, Jojo Rabbit, Ghost World, and Girl with a Pearl Earring.

Which Scarlett Johansson film launched her career?

Scarlett Johansson’s career was launched with her starring role in Manny & Lo.

What is Scarlett Johansson’s most iconic role?

Scarlett Johansson’s portrayal of Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has become one of her most iconic roles.

Which Scarlett Johansson movie showcases her dramatic range?

Match Point, directed by Woody Allen, showcases Scarlett Johansson’s dramatic range.

In which movie does Scarlett Johansson only lend her voice?

In the movie Her, Scarlett Johansson’s voice takes center stage as she portrays the artificial intelligence system Samantha.

For which movie did Scarlett Johansson receive her first Academy Award nomination?

Scarlett Johansson received her first Academy Award nomination for her role in Marriage Story.

Which film earned Scarlett Johansson her second Academy Award nomination?

Scarlett Johansson earned her second Academy Award nomination for her performance in Jojo Rabbit.

What is Scarlett Johansson’s cult classic comedy film?

Ghost World, co-starring Thora Birch, is Scarlett Johansson’s cult classic comedy film.

In which movie does Scarlett Johansson portray a historical figure?

Scarlett Johansson portrays Griet, a maid who becomes the subject of a famous painting, in Girl with a Pearl Earring.

What are some other top-rated Scarlett Johansson films?

Some other top-rated Scarlett Johansson films include Under the Skin, Lucy, and Vicky Cristina Barcelona.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-05-16